Chewbotcca Discord Commands
The majority of commands do not require special permissions. Simply add it and you're ready to go!
Exceptions are as follows:
- Add Reactions - needed for some paginators to work properly
- External Emotes - makes some commands look nicer (this must be given to the @everyone role for slash-commands)
- Manage Webhooks - to view webhook count in
and to/rory follow
Command List
Please note: A lot of pages are not complete!
Bot Commands
These commands relate to information about the bot, like stats and basic info.
Command | Args | Description |
/feedback | <your feedback> | Leave some feedback for Chew! :3 |
/help | None | Get help and some basic information about the bot |
/invite | None | Get a link to invite the bot to your server |
/ping | None | Ping the bot to check its heart rate. Is it ok? If it doesn't respond, it might not be okay. |
/stats | None | Get some cool, interesting, and very epic stats about the bot |
Fun Commands
Fun commands! Silly commands like 8ball, coinflip, and, of course, Rory!!
Command | Args | Description |
/8ball | <question> | Ask the magic 8 ball a question! |
/apod | [optional: mm/dd/yyyy] | Gets the current (or if args, that day's) NASA Astronomy Photo of the Day. |
/acronym | <acronym> | Generates a random acronym based on input! Letters only. |
/cat | None | A crucial command. Get a random picture of a cat! |
/catfact | None | Get a random cat fact! Cats are really interesting! |
/coinflip | None | Flip a coin, very simple! |
/dog | None | Same as cat, but a dog instead of a cat. Occasionally it puts a video which won't embed, but oh well. |
/numberfact | <number> [trivia?,math,year,date] | Gets a numberfact for the specified number and type. |
/poll | None | Create a poll! |
/qrcode | <data> | Turn input into a QR Code! |
/roll | [dice "d" sides] | Rolls dice. Using this command with no arguments rolls 1 6-sided die. |
/rory | [optional: id] or <follow> | Gets a random picture of Rory :3. Add "follow" to receive new Rory pics! |
/spigotdrama | None | Generates some spigot drama. |
/trbmb | None | Generate a TRBMB Phrase! |
Info Commands
Commands that send back information about a user, bot, channel, role, ruby gem, or more!
Command | Args | Description |
/botinfo | <bot mention> [list] | Gets bot information from an optionally specified bot list. |
/channelinfo | [optional: channel id or mention] | Gets basic information about a channel. |
/discrim | [optional: discrim to look up] | Looks through the user cache to find users with the specified (if none, your) discriminator. |
/info | <command> | Gets information about a specific command |
/roleinfo | <role mention or name or id> | Gets information about a role! Add "members" to view role members. |
/serverinfo | [boosts,bots,channels,member <position>,roles,milestones] | Gets basic information for the server |
/userinfo | [optional: mention] | Gets user info for you! Mention a user to get their info. |
/userstats | None | Finds amount of users with all user flags (excluding Nitro) and sorts them. |
Minecraft Commands
Commands relating to Minecraft, including querying servers, users, and the Minecraft Wiki.
Command | Args | Description |
/hangar | <search> | Searches Hangar for a specified project. |
/modrinth | [query] | Searches for a specified project. |
/minecraft issue | <issue link or num> | Gets an issue from Mojira or Spigot JIRA and describes it. |
/minecraft server | <server ip> | Queries a Minecraft (Java or Bedrock) server for its stats. |
/minecraft user | <username or UUID> | Gets Minecraft profile information for a user, including their name, name history, and a picture of their face. |
/minecraft wiki | <article> | Searches the Minecraft Wiki for an article and returns a summary and an image. |
/wynncraft | [guild or player] | Finds player or guild stats for Wynncraft. |
Services Commands
Commands that query specific services (e.g. YouTube, GitHub, etc.) for information.
Command | Args | Description |
/github issue | <repo> <issue num> | Gets an issue or pull request from the specified GitHub repository. |
/github user | <user or org name> | Gets a user or org's profile from GitHub |
/github repository | <repo path> | Gets information about a specific GitHub repo. For example, Chewbotcca/Discord |
/lastfm | <username> | Gets last played (or currently playing) song information for the specified user. |
/memerator | <meme or user> <query> | Finds a meme or user based on query. |
/ocr | Attach Image or URL | Runs an OCR which finds texts on a given image and returns the result. 1 minute cooldown! |
/packages rubygem | <gem name> | Gets information for the specific ruby gem. |
<subreddit> [post num] | Grabs a post from a subreddit and links it. Leave both blank for a random post? | |
/youtube | <search term> | Searches YouTube for a video and posts cool stats about it! |
Settings Commands
Commands to manage your settings.
Command | Args | Description |
/profile | None | Gets your bot profile |
/serversettings | [optional: set] <data> | Get settings for your server. Must have Manage Server. |
Utility Commands
Commands that are useful for various things, like defining words, quoting messages, and more.
Command | Args | Description |
/define | None | Defines a word via a dictionary. Returns the first result, may not be the best result, but definitely a result nonetheless. |
/quote | <message id> [optional: channel id] | Quotes a message, puts the message and provides a link to jump to it. Useful for quoting messages outside of the specific server. |
/urban | <word to search> | Like define, but instead of defining with a real dictionary, it queries the slightly edgier Urban dictionary. As a result, this command is NSFW only. |