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Chewbotcca Discord Commands

Bot obviously needs at least Read and Send messages if you want a response. Permissions listed under "Bot Permissions" are permissions the bot needs to execute the command. Permissions listed under "User Permissions" are permissions you, the executor, need to execute the command. The bot will notify you of missing permissions if needed.

The following permissions are required for most text-based commands. They are not required for slash-based commands. In that case, the user needs "Use Application Commands" permission.

  • Read Messages - required to see commands
  • Send Messages - required to respond to commands
  • Embed Links - required for most commands

The rest of the permissions are optional, but are required if you plan on utilizing all bot commands.

  • Add Reactions - needed for paginators to work properly
  • External Emotes - makes some commands look nicer (this must be given to the @everyone role for slash-commands)
  • Ban Members - for /ban, as you'd expect
  • Manage Roles - for /role command
  • Manage Nicknames - for /dehoist command
  • Manage Webhooks - to view webhook count in /channelinfo and to /rory follow

Command List


Please note: A lot of pages are not complete!

Bot Commands

These commands relate to information about the bot, like stats and basic info.

/feedback<your feedback>Leave some feedback for Chew! :3
/helpNoneGet help and some basic information about the bot
/inviteNoneGet a link to invite the bot to your server
/pingNonePing the bot to check its heart rate. Is it ok? If it doesn't respond, it might not be okay.
/statsNoneGet some cool, interesting, and very epic stats about the bot
/privacyNoneReturns a link to the Chewbotcca Discord Bot privacy policy.

Fun Commands

Fun commands! Silly commands like 8ball, coinflip, and, of course, Rory!!

/8ball<question>Ask the magic 8 ball a question!
/apod[optional: mm/dd/yyyy]Gets the current (or if args, that day's) NASA Astronomy Photo of the Day.
/acronym<acronym>Generates a random acronym based on input! Letters only.
/catNoneA crucial command. Get a random picture of a cat!
/catfactNoneGet a random cat fact! Cats are really interesting!
/coinflipNoneFlip a coin, very simple!
/dogNoneSame as cat, but a dog instead of a cat. Occasionally it puts a video which won't embed, but oh well.
/numberfact<number> [trivia?,math,year,date]Gets a numberfact for the specified number and type.
/pollNoneCreate a poll!
/qrcode<data>Turn input into a QR Code!
/roll[dice "d" sides]Rolls dice. Using this command with no arguments rolls 1 6-sided die.
/rory[optional: id] or <follow>Gets a random picture of Rory :3. Add "follow" to receive new Rory pics!
/spigotdramaNoneGenerates some spigot drama.
/trbmbNoneGenerate a TRBMB Phrase!

Info Commands

Commands that send back information about a user, bot, channel, role, ruby gem, or more!

/botinfo<bot mention> [list]Gets bot information from an optionally specified bot list.
/channelinfo[optional: channel id or mention]Gets basic information about a channel.
/discrim[optional: discrim to look up]Looks through the user cache to find users with the specified (if none, your) discriminator.
/info<command>Gets information about a specific command
/lastfm<username>Gets last played (or currently playing) song information for the specified user.
/roleinfo<role mention or name or id>Gets information about a role! Add "members" to view role members.
/rubygem<gem name>Gets information for the specific ruby gem.
/serverinfo[boosts,bots,channels,member <position>,roles,milestones]Gets basic information for the server
/userinfo[optional: mention]Gets user info for you! Mention a user to get their info.
/userstatsNoneFinds amount of users with all user flags (excluding Nitro) and sorts them.

Minecraft Commands

Commands relating to Minecraft, including querying servers, users, and the Minecraft Wiki.

/hangar<search>Searches Hangar for a specified project.
/modrinth[query]Searches for a specified project.
/minecraft issue<issue link or num>Gets an issue from Mojira or Spigot JIRA and describes it.
/minecraft server<server ip>Queries a Minecraft (Java or Bedrock) server for its stats.
/minecraft user<username or UUID>Gets Minecraft profile information for a user, including their name, name history, and a picture of their face.
/minecraft wiki<article>Searches the Minecraft Wiki for an article and returns a summary and an image.
/wynncraft[guild or player]Finds player or guild stats for Wynncraft.

Services Commands

Commands that query specific services (e.g. YouTube, GitHub, etc.) for information.

/github issue<repo> <issue num>Gets an issue or pull request from the specified GitHub repository.
/github user<user or org name>Gets a user or org's profile from GitHub
/github repository<repo path>Gets information about a specific GitHub repo. For example, Chewbotcca/Discord
/memerator<meme or user> <query>Finds a meme or user based on query.
/ocrAttach Image or URLRuns an OCR which finds texts on a given image and returns the result. 1 minute cooldown!
/reddit<subreddit> [post num]Grabs a post from a subreddit and links it. Leave both blank for a random post?
/youtube<search term>Searches YouTube for a video and posts cool stats about it!

Settings Commands

Commands to manage your settings.

/profileNoneGets your bot profile
/serversettings[optional: set] <data>Get settings for your server. Must have Manage Server.

Utility Commands

Commands that are useful for various things, like defining words, quoting messages, and more.

/defineNoneDefines a word via a dictionary. Returns the first result, may not be the best result, but definitely a result nonetheless.
/quote<message id> [optional: channel id]Quotes a message, puts the message and provides a link to jump to it. Useful for quoting messages outside of the specific server.
/urban<word to search>Like define, but instead of defining with a real dictionary, it queries the slightly edgier Urban dictionary. As a result, this command is NSFW only.