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/betting Command


This feature is currently under development and is not fully done! It is being documented here as the system is being written. It may change at any moment!

The /betting command allows you to bet on games. To learn more, see the Betting page.

All responses are ephemeral, meaning no one else but you can see them.

profile Subcommand

The profile subcommand allows you to view your betting profile.


Run /betting profile to see your profile. You can see your balance, your daily credits, and your total winnings.

If it's your first time running the command, you'll be given 100 credits.


betting profile mlb bot

bet Subcommand

The bet subcommand allows you to bet on a game.


The command has 3 options, all of which are required.

The required options are:

  1. Team Name
  2. The date of the game
  3. The amount to bet